Reaction and Comment launched by Dr. Kolimau 2000 over Lusa expectation to nominee Horta to take post of the UN Human Rights High Commissioner

With this recent news I am very pragmatic in saying that if Jose Manuel Ramos Horta will replace Louise Arbour with the post of Human Right High Commissary to the UN, it will be very shameful for entire Worldwide Organization as defender of the Human Rights and simultaneously the UN will denigrate its own image before the all Worldwide Human Rights activists in every angles and in every positions in the our Human Society in this Planet, that we the human being are inhabitant now. As all of you still bring in your fresh memory that Jose Manuel Ramos Horta after became the one of the most controversial leader to the East Timorese People during the period of the DRET Restoration from May 20th 2002 till nowadays, his position with concerning the Human Rights Sacred Principles have been changed dramatically and his action in the human rights field was and is not well noted properly in very lucid manner with Sacred Principles of the Universal Declaration for the Human Rights that in the resistance time he was struggled for it too. It is very lamentable to say to all of you that Jose Manuel Ramos Horta that I met in the resistance period lobbed and struggled for the East Timor Independence in diverse aspects and in particular attention to the most heinous crimes committed inhumanly manner by the dictator Soeharto’s Army Forces against the entire East Timor People have been applauded but now it is quite to my astonishment that from 2002 till today Jose Manuel Ramos Horta became the one of the most ashamed to be connoted as the most loyal and good advocate for the butchery dictators of this millennium and one of his most very ashamed and immoral practice to be continue judging by all East Timor People in particular and in general by the Worldwide public opinion that have been lost their most beloved ones fought for East Timor Liberation and all their entire family have been massacred barbarically by the very despotic, tyranny, the militarist dictator Soeharto and his cohorts generals with their apparatus and military powerful machinery during the illegal occupation and annexation of East Timor to the Republic of Indonesia.

With this very concrete case all of you may know well how about the whole East Timor People feeling is now towards the position of the Jose Manuel Ramos Horta with related the Human Rights concerns over deflagrate violation of the fully right of East Timor People existence as the People and Nation in this corner of the Planet perpetrated by Indonesians illegal occupation Army Forces in East Timor soil during the 24 years over.

As many NGO, GO, JOURNALIST, RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS, HUMAN RIGHTS VOCALISTS, STUDENTS, INTELTUALES, LABORS, PEASANTS, LABOR SINDICATS, PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD THAT LOVE DEMOVRACY, FREEDOM, PEACE, EQUALITY AND LIVING IN MUTUAL RESPECT AND TOLERANCE MANNER and so on…have been pressured actual regime of the Indonesia to crack down and finally must to be submitted to the justice and posterior to be punished the all dictators in Indonesia former regime that have been acted immorally in very barbaric act of the savagery, butchery and with cold blooded hands of the many innocent East Timor and Indonesia People during the period of the dictator Soeharto’s administration. With this very concrete case Jose Manuel Ramos Horta contradicted, ignored and finally cheated the all sacred Principles of the Universal Declaration for Human Rights and he became the most pompously guardian of the dictators of the Region. On this valid argument we do call attention to the worldwide leaders those are defenders of the real democracy, freedom, justice, peace and love for all human being should reprove that very ashamed rumors that will move the very collaborationist of the dictator Soeharto and his cohorts, Jose Manuel Ramos Horta for the UN HRHC that in very absolutely manner, Jose Manuel Ramos Horta has not deserve any moral right to be contemplated for that mentioned post.

Men are expected to take post of the UN Human Rights Commissary should to be conferred by his excellent work for Human Rights in all extension of the words, but never merely honored by the appearance with so many flourished speeches as Horta and Xanana always diverted attention of the East Timor People and do try to implement their fantasies to continue deceive weakness and poorest East Timor People for their own interest.

Dili, East Timor, May 20th 2008.

Dr. Kolimau 2000

2 comentários:

  1. Opiniaun non-afirmativu ba Sr. DR. Colimau 2000.

    Bainhira hau le opiniaun Dr. Colimau iha leten, hau sente hakfodak tebes. Hau nia admirasaun hanesan tuir mai ne'e:

    1. Dr. Colimau 2000 ne'e se ? Hare hosi naran deit la klaru tiha ona. Ne katak, opiniaun ne'ebe fo la sense saintifiku maibe halai liu ignoransia intelektual ne'ebe ita bele dehan iha propaganda politiku. Opiniaun Dr. Colimau laiha base akademiku, so iha deit tauk. Tamba sa tauk ? Tamba Dr. Colimau 2000, eis membru milisia ne'ebe involve maka'as iha asaun violensia politiku durante tinan 1975-1999.

    2. Dr. Jose Ramos Horta merese duni atu hetan fatin iha UN. Nia kapasidade la'os deit atu konvensi mundu apoia ukun-an mai Timor Leste, maibe mos atu fo hanoin mundu oin-sa Indonesia halo violasaun 24 anos iha Timor Leste.

    3. Dr. Colimau 2000, ita boot nia opiniaun diak, maibe ne'e seidauk to'o. Karik ita boot 'doutor' duni, lalika tauk subar identidade. Hatudu-an, hodi debate hanesan ema intelektual.

    4. Dr. Jose Ramos, merese duni, nia kaliber duni. Hau apoia nia, la'os deit tamba Timor-oan maibe tamba nia iha kapasidade ba posisaun ida ne'e. Karik Wiranto, Joao Tavares ou Dr. Colimau mak kandidatu-an, ema sei husu fali sira ne'e see ? Ita boot hatene nia resposta too: Ema sira ne'ebe responsabilisa ba violasaun direitu humanus 1975-1999.

    Antonio Casmiro da Costa
    Hela iha Metinaro
    Dili Timor Leste

  2. well,I do agree with a few valid reason purported.

    I don't think Mr. Horta is interested to be place as the UN Human Rights Commissary.

    It doesn't seem to me that Xanana & Horta have ever ignored the notions of Human Rights.

    Trace back to Human rights development in the latest decade. many world leaders tend to use it for political compromise regardless to the nature of consequence.

    Further, It does not serve the national interest of East Timor.

    I could not believe Dr. Colimau is actually Human Rights defender but man behind the hunger of power.


    Lalatak badak.
    GPS.414 London


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