By Luis Pereira*
As a new born country that just freed from a trauma and darkness history over the period of 24 years many east Timorese talented were killed, they fought just simply to free the country for any foreign occupations, they fought neither for positions nor jobs, they fought because they have sprit and determination that this island one day will be an independence country and stands to be equally as other sovereign countries on Planet. Now the independence that we were dreaming is achieved. But just getting independence and having a flag, national anthem, Government, President is just not enough.

With that this is the time all Timor Leste people, regardless of age, race, religion, region and political background come together and share our knowledge in achieving our human capital by focusing on the education institution. The education institutions need to aim to achieve three goals when enhancing our human capital, i.e. a change in the learning, analytical and intellectual culture. A true learning culture is spurred by an over-riding sense of curiosity, one that actively hunts out information rather than passively responds to it. To be analytical is to be able to examine issues in depth and detail, to process and combine information, to draw logical conclusions and to suggest consistent courses of action. Intellectual culture is developed from an environment where one is ready to push beyond past boundaries and limits. We must seek to develop vibrant communities of practice who question, challenge and think, these three goals must met in order to enrich our human capital.

The development of knowledge, skills and abilities on the one hand, and the moulding of values, belief and attitudes on the other, are the two pillars of human capital development. This development must ultimately lead to positive, confident, resilient and morally strong character. In addition, flourish in benign circumstances, without excessive and overbearing external control and interference. The process of human capital development works best where policies are strongly encouraging and supportive and not dispiriting and coercive.

The human development also depends upon on the policies and laws which are strongly encouraging and supportive and not dispiriting and coercive. The word coercive here is not using external force or threat in human development the freedom of each individual to learn and apply the knowledge is a fundamental approach that the country leaders must assure to its people. The good leaders are the leaders that have a positive vision and determination of the well being of the country both for present and future.

Over the last six years our leaders have showed their abilities and their leadership skills, but many of us seem not really work together, we somehow still influence by the traditionally mentality which put the interest of the individual or group beyond to the common interest or so-called national interest, which we do not to apply in this country that still facing the many challenges and believe the toughest challenges are about to come. If we Timorese we do not change our traditionally mindset to modernize mindset, this is hard we overcome or eliminate our challenge. In this short article, I would like to call upon to all Timorese women and men, let us show our talent, knowledge and skills that had been blessing to each of us and apply in necessary manner and apply it in the positive direction so we would literally overcome or eliminate the problem that our beloved country Timor Leste and our people are facing.

God bless Timor Leste
*University of Technology PETRONAS, Bandar Seri Iskandar, Tronoh 31750 PERAK-MALAYSIA. TELP : +6012394831

2 comentários:

  1. It appears to be a good article.

    We are now on the crucial stages of nations Building, a lot things need to do instead of self complain.

    I do agree with Luis, the previous leaders have done a great job as now we all inherited what so call crises.

    We have so many intellectuals ...however 50% are failed because they are on the course against the national interest of East Timor.

    The question is ....whether it is enough to have such floating human capital?

    I believe our government is now on the hands of ‘’the right person in the right place’’ ….what we got to do is reviewing our national development plan. Further, the implementation of good governance is needed with a clear separation of power between three pillars, executive, legislative and juridical. All the policies should reflect the urgent needs of Timorese.

    GPS 218(ISH)

  2. This article makes many good points on education and types of thinking needed by Timorese to develop the country. It also makes the point that social capital (i.e. the ability to work together) is as important as human capital (education and health status). However there is one issue that needs more debate among Timorese. This is the attitude towards tradition and modernity.
    I notice many educated Timorse beleive that tradition is something that will hold back development and that everything 'modern' will promote development. Sadly the experience of other countries has shown that this is not the case.

    Australia introduced 'modern' agriculture and even though it was very profitable for decades, farmers are now looking back to traditional methods of conserving soil and combining food crops as the monoculture has often destroyed the soil (requiring imported fertilizers which will no longer be available in the era of global warming).

    It is important to adopt a positive, yet critical attitude towards tradition, some traditions are valuable while others must change and be re-looked at in the light of modern scientific knowledge. Many traditional Timorese foods come into this category. As HASATIL points out, Timorese had a much more varied and healthy diet before the mass introduction of white rice by the Indonesians. The food crisis requires some of these traditional, root-crops and vegetables to be re-introduced, but also to be studied in the light of modern scientific knowledge of nutrition.


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