Why Demo?

By Luis Pereira*

I would like to re post this article, as it is essential for all of us as citizen of this beloved country to aware what are the essential tasks that we need to do and need to avoid, I was heartfelt for the rumor that has flied around the capital and all over the country that soon the opposition party FRETELIN will organize a peaceful demonstration to protest the early election as the FRETELIN leaders have put onto their agenda, and as citizen and new generation, I personally support any demonstration or critics to our leaders, so that it will alarm the leaders so that they can more focus on the development for the common interest, but it must be on the peaceful and democratic manners.

But something that will be a nightmare for all citizens, academics, NGOs and churches, if FRETELIN demanding an early election, that aims nothing but to bring the elite leaders or individuals into the government post that eventually to control the government. Believe or not the failure of FRETELIN leaders has effected the entire nation so this is the time FRETELIN to correct their internal problem occur within the party and solve it and wait for the next general election 2012, good luck FRETELIN in general election 2012 but not now.

In my heart, why FRETELIN so bother with current government that working tirelessly to solve the porblems that FRETELIN leaders left behin and unable to solve them and the worst is that many problems are created my FRETELIN leaders during their reign 5 years ago. So FRETELIN must be greatful to AMP under leadership of H.E. Xanana because he could be able to solve the problems. Beside, the AMP lead country in democratic manner base on laws and orders, so it is not democratic if FRETELIN still keeping their undemocratic agenda to push on an early election.

I hope the people of Timorese not act stupidly for the reaction of political leaders, we want this country want to be peaceful so that nation development can go on. Please reread my article below that I have posted in FH for few months ago. Thanks .

As a new born country that just freed from a trauma and darkness history over the period of 24 years many east Timorese talented were killed, they fought just simply to free the country for any foreign occupations, they fought neither for positions nor jobs, they fought because they have sprit and determination that this island one day will be an independence country and stands to be equally as other sovereign countries on Planet. Now the independence that we were dreaming is achieved. But just getting independence and having a flag, national anthem, Government, President is just not enough.

With that this is the time all Timor Leste people, regardless of age, race, religion, region and political background come together and share our knowledge in achieving our human capital by focusing on the education institution. The education institutions need to aim to achieve three goals when enhancing our human capital, i.e. a change in the learning, analytical and intellectual culture. A true learning culture is spurred by an over-riding sense of curiosity, one that actively hunts out information rather than passively responds to it. To be analytical is to be able to examine issues in depth and detail, to process and combine information, to draw logical conclusions and to suggest consistent courses of action. Intellectual culture is developed from an environment where one is ready to push beyond past boundaries and limits. We must seek to develop vibrant communities of practice who question, challenge and think, these three goals must met in order to enrich our human capital.

The development of knowledge, skills and abilities on the one hand, and the moulding of values, belief and attitudes on the other, are the two pillars of human capital development. This development must ultimately lead to positive, confident, resilient and morally strong character. In addition, flourish in benign circumstances, without excessive and overbearing external control and interference. The process of human capital development works best where policies are strongly encouraging and supportive and not dispiriting and coercive.

The human development also depends upon on the policies and laws which are strongly encouraging and supportive and not dispiriting and coercive. The word coercive here is not using external force or threat in human development the freedom of each individual to learn and apply the knowledge is a fundamental approach that the country leaders must assure to its people. The good leaders are the leaders that have a positive vision and determination of the well being of the country both for present and future.

Over the last six years our leaders have showed their abilities and their leadership skills, but many of us seem not really work together, we somehow still influence by the traditionally mentality which put the interest of the individual or group beyond to the common interest or so-called national interest, which we do not to apply in this country that still facing the many challenges and believe the toughest challenges are about to come. If we Timorese we do not change our traditionally mindset to modernize mindset, this is hard we overcome or eliminate our challenge. In this short article, I would like to call upon to all Timorese women and men, let us show our talent, knowledge and skills that had been blessing to each of us and apply in necessary manner and apply it in the positive direction so we would literally overcome or eliminate the problem that our beloved country Timor Leste and our people are facing.

God bless Timor Leste

*University of Technology PETRONAS, Bandar Seri Iskandar, Tronoh 31750 PERAK-MALAYSIA. TELP : +60123948631

1 comentário:

  1. Marcha de Paz ?

    Lae na'i, marcha ida nebee Mari Alkatiri prepara la'os atu hametin paz nebee mosu dadaun ona iha Rain Doben Timor Lorosa'e, maibe atu kari veneno hodi hamate paz nian abut, atu hamout Povo Timor nian moris iha hakmatek, moris domin no dame nian laran.
    La'os marcha de paz, lia fuan marcha de paz sai deit kurtina hodi taka lideransa FRETILIN sira nian ran nakali. Mari Alkatiri nudar Sekretario Jeral FRETILIN ninian AMBISAUN boot tebes atu fila hikas hakoak poder. Tanba ba Mari Alkatiri, la iha tan dalan seluk nebee luan ba nia atu sai riku ho boot. So liu husi INSTRUMENTALIZASAUN massa apoiantes no hala'o korupsaun politika mak bele iha hipotes atu hetan poder. Timor oan tomak tenke tau matan makaas ba politikus sira hanesan Mari Alkatiri, tanba ema ne'e la iha intensaun atu SALVA POVO no LIBERTASAUN DO POVO la'os ninian doutrina. Povo no Timor oan tomak tenke atensaun ba sira nian INTERESES EKONOMIKUS. Ema politikus balun hatur interesses ekonomikus sai hanesan objektu ba halo politika, tanba atu hetan asesu ba negosius boot hodi naran estado presiza hetan lejitimidade, atu hetan lejitimidade nian dalan la'os ida deit maibe dalan sanak barak, liu husi dalan sanak oi-oin hodi bele hetan poder. Ita Timor oan tomak hatene momos experiensia iha tinan lima ka nen liu ba. Mari Alkatiri bainhira sa'e boot, fahe kargo estado nian hanesan ema aman ida fila husi basar to'o uma fahe rebusadus ba ninian oan sira...
    Ita hakarak nafatin ema politkus sira nune'e nafatin hodi ukun ita ? Ukun Povo envez de hanorin povo ho hahalok diak lae, hanorin fali povo habutar malu, hodi fali mentalidade aat kuda iha povo nian leet, hanorin fali jerasaun foun ho hahalok moral la iha, la iha respeito ba povo, la iha respeito ba ema funu na'in sira nebee terus no mate sai fali objektu ba INSULTOS fahi krekas, la haris no fuk naruk la fase, mano rade, sarjana supermi...
    Nee sa mak ida nee ? Sa lideransa mak ida nee ?
    Ema Timor ANTI hahalok hirak nune'e. Se la serve ukun Povo Timor ho lisan oi-oin karik tanba ema ruma ne'e lisan la iha, uma lulik mos la iha entaun para ke ambisaun boot ? Fo fatin ba ema seluk nebee hatene Povo Timor nian lisan hodi nune'e hahalok mos bele tuir ema nebee iha nian fukun no iha nian uma lulik...
    Duke hadau malu atu sai boot depois sai tiha boot la'o keta-ketak fali ho Povo Timor nian lisan, povo nian hahalok hakraik-an, hatene respeita ema seluk...


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